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Hammer, nails and leaf printing

It was fabulous to see some of our Nursery Class begin to explore tools for the first time.

First of all we went to collect lots of different leaves, herbs and flowers as we were going to do some leaf printing.

Together we went to explore the woods and the garden and we found lots of different natural items to use for our printing.

After we had collected these we put them in a pile together so we could all share what we had found.

Picking our flowers

Before we did our printing we sat around the fire circle had some snack of hot chocolate and biscuits. Snack time in the woods is always a firm favourite with the children (and staff!!)

After snack we chose a piece of cloth and picked what leaves and flowers we wanted to put underneath it. Before we used our hammers we spoke about safety and how we should hold them and we put on a pair of safety gloves and safety goggles. We then took turns and each had a go making our very own leaf/flower print.

Using our hamers

The children all did fantastic and they made some beautiful prints.

The children all listened really well and followed all the instructions that they were given.

After this we then used our hammer to hammer some nails into some logs.

"Look at my picture"

Carl had made us some bamboo sticks that we could hold the nails in so we didn’t hammer our fingers as this was a new activity for us and they worked great.

tool safety

After we had all had a go at doing this we then moved on to hammering nails into pumpkin which we all really enjoyed. We then smashed the pumpkins up, taking the nails out as we went so we could leave a treat in the woods for our woodland animal friends.

Making food for our woodland wildlife

"We smashed pumpkins with a hammer, but it's ok, they are for the Squirrels"


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